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Working Artist Statement.

Through my work, I hope to engage the viewer to slow down think, and reflect. I am inspired by the unnoticed that surrounds our everyday life. Through observational studies. I aim to capture the fleetingness of life by pausing it through drawing and slowing down time by experimenting with speed through video work.


Perception of time is something I'm interested in, and I am exploring this by looking at bodies of water. Capturing the movement of water, and slowing down the flow allows us to pay attention to the rhythms and patterns that consist in these bodies of water, and also reminds us to slow down in the ever-changing world.


There is something so meditative and emotional about being near water, through video, drawing, and photography I hope to convey the emotional and meditative nature that it brings.


I want to explore bodies of water and their meditative, contemplative nature through other forms of meditative aspects such as the safety of home.


The Land is Soft.





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